Have you ever wondered what love means to a person? What does it mean to you?
Issit seeing your gf/bf everyday means love? or issit you miss someone when you dont see him/her means love?
Abit of everything maybe ... but which is more to you?
To some, love is about seeing the person everyday and missing the person when you dont see him/her ......love is when you see the opposite gender with him/her, you will feel angry .... and alot.
But seeing someone everyday can be just a habit .... missing is because the habit is not being fulfilled and angry when see other girls with him is because of jealousy...... a sense of possesion.
To some, love = his/her other half.. family..and future kids.
Simple as that.
To me, love is love, to give love a definition is to defeat the purpose of loving.
Love is something very profound and deep.
Not even the best professionals of the language can decipher what is love. Humans can only feel and anticipate love, but we cannot explain. as feelings can only be felt, not explained.
If only something as deep as love can be put into words..
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Wondering. .
Written by
Eez Enegue
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Fed! Up with progess!
Applications to increase bus and MRT fares will be submitted by next Tuesday for Public Transport Council approval. The reason being that Diesel cost increasing and the last increase in July'05 was not enough to cover this increase.
Any fare adjustment, if approved, will take effect beginning Oct'06.

(They got no choice leh...

I hope the pple who applied, approved this move all die. Also not forgetting, the pple who profit from this move.
Staying together... moving ahead......
for all Temasek companies
More to come in the next 4 years
We could protes......

I love my fucking country. .
Written by
Eez Enegue
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Celebrating Truelymadly.blogspot.com
Who reads this blog??
Truelymadly.blogspot.com is for people with great taste, intelligence, incredible good lookingness, talent, ability, success, grabbing of life.
Truelymadly.blogspot.com's for people who know what life's about. They're always entertaining. Delightful to talk to. Sweet, charming, incredibly good in bed.
Virile. They have incredible success with girls, or boys, or both. They're generally just the world's best citizens.
Maybe I'm biased, but I'm definitely right. ;)
You might wonder why am I saying all these of a sudden. .well, because
Truelymadly.blogspot.com is 1 years old!!
I am farking proud of you!!
Written by
Eez Enegue
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Being twisted with logic
Chris Martin is a dynamic frontman. He's definitely the focal point, the star of the show without having an "I'm the star of the show" attitude.
It's just what he does when he's in the moment. When he bends low over the piano, it's almost as if he feels he can get closer to the music that way.
Though Chris is undeniably a frontman, you can tell by the way he interacts with his bandmates that he considers himself one member of a band.
It's not just The Chris Martin show.
Believe me, we've screamed, we've applauded, we've swayed, we've swooned. There isn't a voice in the room that doesn't roar.
We have been transported to Coldplay's planet. And it's a nice place to visit. It might be grand to buy a house and try living there awhile.
The bottom line? Coldplay is amazing live. I guess an off night for them is equivalent to the best gig most bands will ever play. Watch this show.
I don't think I'm alone here.
Maybe that's why they're one of the biggest bands in the world.
And maybe that's why some people hate them. I guess it makes sense.
That's the price they have to pay for writing songs with lines like "And the truth is/ I miss you," and "look at the stars/ look how they shine for you."
Some people like to remember all the baggage that those lines carry with them, while for others it's the last thing they want to think about.
I get it now.Then run, don't walk, to buy tickets to the tour and experience Coldplay in person.
opps. .i forgot its a one night gig only
During the concert
Stranger: Can you take a photo for us?
Me: Oh sure
Stranger: OOh. .thanks!! (begins to pose)
Me: Emmm. . wheres your camera??
Stranger: We dont have one.
Me: . . .
(After which they suggest using my camera and email her the photo(which i still haven done). I say thats a really good way to ask me for my contact. =p)
After the concert
Walking to the MRT station after the concert
Ang Moh: Hi, how do you get to the MRT station
Me: Oh! We are walkin to the MRT station as well, you can follow us.
Ang Moh: Sure!
Me: So where are you guys from??
Ang Moh: We are from the United States and living here for the past 3 months.
Ang Moh: Sorry!
Me: ???
Ang Moh: Sorry for all the mess we have created in this world.
Me: . . .
Written by
Eez Enegue
Monday, July 10, 2006
Germany can only win the World Cup on Odd Decades - they've won in the '50s (1954), '70s (1974) and '90s (1990). It's an Even Decade this year, so the World Cup is out of Germany's reach despite their having home advantage.
Do you know who spoke these words?
So you know who wrote that prediction?
Would you be surprised to know that it was ME? Eugene Zee?
Yes. It was ME. I wouldnt kid with you. On my honour, these words are MINE!!
While there remains the possibility of a Euro 2008 success for Italy, there's another important determining factor - a match-fixing scandal.
In 1982, Italy rocked by match-fixing scandal but they won the World Cup..
This year is also same... so Italy got history going for them...
Do you know who spoke these words and wrote that prediction?
Would you be surprised that, once again, such superior predictory skills can only be directly linked to ME??
Eugene Zee?
You're sayin to yourself right now, "I can't believe Eugene is so astute, intelligent, and inspiring!"
But I am.
Now bow down to ME!!

I say BOW not headbutt u dimwit!!!
Written by
Eez Enegue
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Being Milked
Peak Period Surcharge
7.00am - 9.30am
Monday - Saturday
5.00pm - 8.00pm
Avoid taking ComfortDelGro taxis during this period.
Distance Fare
1km to 10km
10cts for every 210m
Above 10km
10cts for every 175m
The fare adjustments have been made to help our taxi drivers supplement their incomes.
ComfortDelGro does not intend to increase its taxi rental charges.
Every ride will cost $2.50 when u board the cab.
For every 210m below 10km, it will charge $0.10 instead of the previous $0.10 per 225m.
for every 175m above 10km, it will charge $0.10 instead of the previous $0.10 per 200m
See, they are smart enough to find out how much they need to adjust to milk u to the point where u dun die and yet constantly reach out to be milked some more...
I am so damn pissed already.
So Singaporeans whom are still being milked.... thanks for farking voting for farking progress.
Today, I will make it my personal mission to boycott taxis.
To make my point that Govt must take care of the public that voted for them... and not ensure the interests of the companies that the govt had invested heavily in..
I humbly ask of you , dear reader, to join me too.
For the past few months, I walked about 2km so I can have 1 bus trip lesser.
Not because for exercise or for health sake... but for the fact that I choose not to be milked any further than necessary by these arms of govt.
I got only a few simple questions
1) Why increase transport hikes when SBS/SMRT are STILL MAKING RECORD PROFIT?
2) Do not increase taxi fares, instead lower the taxi rental fee. More ppl will take taxi, the taxi driver will earn more, not the companies directors.
The above solutions are from the avg ppl, hope the smart ass ppl understand it.
I think someone did mentioned before that there is no such thing as free lunch. I guess it applies to money as well. So, they are now taking IT back . . .
My middle finger to them.
Written by
Eez Enegue
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Weeping Englishman and glorious Italianos
And is this how a top English footballstar, supposedly a rolemodel for millions of aspiring young kids all over the world, should behave after gettin send off???
Venting your fustration on your own pysio is certaining not going to help your cause.
The players look like they've seen god descend from heaven.
Wake up ROOney, England is NEVER good enough for the world cup, red card or not.
Even your team mates are laughing at u. .
For those who believe in Statistics, ITALY is going to win the world cup this year. .
1970: Brazil (Latin America).
1974: Germany (Europe).
1978: Argentina (Latin America).
1982: Italy (Europe).
1986: Argentina (Latin America).
1990: Germany (Europe).
1994: Brazil (Latin America).
1998: France (Europe).
2002: Brazil (Latin America).
Which means there should be a European winner in 2006.
Portugal and France won't win it because both have aged midfield stars, an aging defence and goalkeepers who commit suicide with their teams' chances - one likes to punch the ball when he can catch it and enjoys being a spectator during free-kicks and corners while the other likes a sliding tackle when using his hands to get the ball would do just fine.
Germany can only win the World Cup on Odd Decades - they've won in the '50s (1954), '70s (1974) and '90s (1990). It's an Even Decade this year, so the World Cup is out of Germany's reach despite their having home advantage.
While there remains the possibility of a Euro 2008 success for Italy, there's another important determining factor - a match-fixing scandal.
In 1982, Italy rocked by match-fixing scandal but they won the World Cup..
This year is also same... so Italy got history going for them...
OOh. .and one more important factor to note. .
In the year of the Dog since the start of World Cup, only 2 countries win the World Cup.
Brazil & Italy.
Brazil's out, so the winner should be Italy.
Written by
Eez Enegue